Our Pastor
Joel Stoddert is a Vermont native with roots here in the Northeast Kingdom. He has served six churches in various leadership roles, four as pastor. Pastor Joel and Aprile have been with us since 2014. A 1989 graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Joel is a leader in the local Christian community and active in the Vermont Region of the Baptist Churches of New England. Aprile also serves the BCNE Vermont, is active in the local Christian community, and a leader in Lyndon Center's active women's ministry. Both are avid readers, movie buffs, and amateur genealogists. Aprile researches Judaica, is a crafter, writer and photographer. Married since 2002, they share their circa 1840 home with their people-loving and intelligent little dog, who happily serves as church mascot.
Our Elder & Deacons
Loyd Wesley, an elder for the last 18 years, is retired career military, and, more recently, from IBM. He is husband to Deanna for over 50 years, and father of two. Loyd loves the Lord, his family and church. An inveterate tease, he good-naturedly endures comparisons to Colonel Sanders! Loyd is a model train & car buff, bluegrass fan, and square dancer.
Our Deacons
Laura Wesley grew up in this church, and has been an active member for many years. She loves the Lord and those around her. A longtime home health provider, Laura serves her brothers and sisters at Lyndon Center through encouragement, teaching, prayer, and as our church clerk. She is a gamer and "cat person", whose furry housemates both have her wrapped around their little paws!
Donna Marie Jarvis is known among us for her enthusiasm and her love for the Lord, His Word, missions & outreach, and seeing the Lord work in and through this church family. Mom to two adult children, Donna Marie and her husband, Patrick, desire to follow Jesus faithfully and live close to the land, sharing their country home with their pup (well, he thinks he is!).
Luke Pipher is an active member of our church family, serving on our AV team, mission team and, as our newest deacon, has shown a gift for congregational care, doing all he can to make sure no one "falls between the cracks". Like Laura, the cats in Luke's life have him wrapped around their paws. Luke has a heart for growing in his understanding of God's Word and knowing Him better.