Lyndon Center Baptist Church's roots are in a nationwide spiritual event in the late 18th & 19th-century called the Second Great Awakening. Founded in 1843 by Christians with a vision for reaching Lyndon Center and beyond through sharing and living out the Good News of Jesus Christ, their vision still animates Lyndon Center Baptist Church today. We are affiliated with the Baptist Churches of New England (BCNE).
Our focus is seeking to live out and proclaim the Good News about Jesus Christ, both as individual followers of Jesus and as a church. Our approach is people-driven, not program-driven. People matter to God, and matter to us: So we work at truly being family of brothers and sisters in Christ to those of like faith, and approachable, loving neighbors and friends to those around us who do not share it.
Our mission is Jesus' Great Commision; that is, spreading the Good News about Jesus Christ and making disciples for Him (Matthew 28:18-20), who will then also make disciples.
Our Message is the Good News that Jesus Christ, through his death on the cross for our sins and his resurrection, has provided the way to forgiveness and a new life of peace with God. The Bible says that all all of us are sinners by nature (Romans 3:23), but that those who respond to God's Holy Spirit by turning from their sin, trusting in Christ as Savior and following Him as Lord from now on are "born from above" (John 3:3). This is a gift from God , since we can't save ourselves (Ephesians 2:8-9). We are adopted into God's family, found in local gospel-centered churches around the globe. As His family (1 John 3:1), we do life together, encourage and pray for one another, and share Christ with others. As we live for Christ, the Lord "grows us up" in Him, making us more and more like His Son (Ephesians 4:16). Questions? Call, message, or join us as our guest, and we will do our best to answer them.